Dear Parent/Student,

I hope you are well and getting ready for holidays!

Every one has been working really hard getting through their first exams and SACs for the year and deserve a break. I am extremely happy with how my students have been performing. With the results that have come out so far this year, we have an average of 86% with all scores being above 70%. These are exceptional results, and given that they are almost surely above class averages, they will get scaled up when study scores are calculated. Well done everyone!
Here are some important announcements:


After each class I expect you to do minimum 5 questions from the VCE Checkpoints book. Once you finish answering, check your answers at the back of the book and send me photos of your working. As a minimum, do these questions from each chapter: Q5, Q16, Q19, Q24, Q28. I know it is a bit of work, but I have seen lots of students go from scores of 60 to 80 just by attempting a few questions.
Ideally you would do as many questions as possible, and I expect year 12 students to have done all questions before the final VCE exam.

Units 3 Headstart Classes

For students in year 11, I will be starting year 12 headstart classes in July. Getting to see new topics in advance allows the brain time to process completely new concepts. Headstart classes are no substitute for learning the topics again in year 12, but they provide an opportunity for repetition, which is vital for memory.

Units 4 Headstart Classes

Unit 4 headstart classes have been going on since the beginning of the year. If you are in year 12, and want a sneak-peak at what is to come, there are still a couple of spots left. As you have probably realised, year 12 is hectic, and you are usually taught a new concept at school just days before a SAC. Learning new concepts early, gives you a big advantage by allowing time for understanding. It also enables you to focus on questions, and optimise your responses closer to SACS.

Goodie Bags!

Yes, we have goodie bags now! They contain a few physics items, mainly relating to topics students struggle with. If you are comfortable with it, please give me your mailing address and I will send it out to you.


I sincerely appreciate all the lovely reviews you have left me 😊. They not only help my business, but encourage students considering tuition to try me out. Physics can be a fun, easy-to-score subject with the correct guidance. Your reviews reassure students to get the help they need. There are 3 locations to leave reviews, and if you can, please copy and paste your review onto each of these sites:

Facebook –
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Tutor finder –

The 1 million Giveaway!

In my last letter, I mentioned giving away 1,000,000 (LKR not $AUD) from the Raistl tutoring Academy (what Learn Physics used to be called) to families in need – we were able to exceed this. I have attached some photos here, only to show you what difference you have been unknowingly making by studying physics with us!

In Australia, I am also a champion for The Smiths Family (a charity that focuses on helping young Australians to overcome educational inequality caused by poverty).
I would not be able to make such contributions, at least in such magnitudes, without your support, and I thank you very much for being part of Learn Physics!

Kind regards,
Lasi/ Dan

Physics Tutor

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