Dear Students and Parents,

I hope you are all doing well!

Key Announcements

My wife is having a baby next week and most students will miss a class from Friday 3rd of May to Wednesday 8th of May. I will get in touch when classes can resume. Apologies for the late notice, I wasn’t expecting the baby so soon, and the last few weeks have flown by too fast!

I have taken on 2 other tutors to offer you the following additional benefits:

  • 1 on 1 Physics tutoring by a past student of mine (current medical student with 96.15 ATAR who studied under me for 2 years and was consistently Rank 1 in Physics SACS) – 2 spots remaining.
  • 1 on 1 General Maths and Methods tutoring by a Premier’s award winner and 50 study score achiever (General Maths) – 3 spots remaining.

If anyone is interested in the above, please reach out to me. Because the tutors are University students, I do not want to overload them and spots are strictly limited. The spots will be given on a first-come-first-in basis.

Study Tips

VCE classes (specially Year 12) are packed with so many different subjects, tests, and other activities that sometimes you can feel overwhelmed. The following are some tips I used myself when I was in high school, however do seek help if you feel you are drowning!

  • Study what you learn at school on the same day after you get home (yes, all subjects)!
  • Study 1 subject at a time, and forget about the other subjects during this time.
  • Break large topics into smaller manageable sections and focus on only one of those at a time.
  • Make sure you sit down and do questions by hand (even if it is only 1 or 2 questions). It is too easy to skip this step, but it helps fortify memory.
  • Catch a break – run, play, game, read, etc…. whatever tickles your fancy!
  • Share what you learn with a friend.

Remember that VCE is about consistency, and not about doing 1 exam really well (and it will all be over soon)! 😊

What it means to study with Learn Physics

I started tutoring to give back for the awesome education I had growing up and to give students who needed help a hand. The primary goal of Learn Physics was to improve lives, because I knew how life-changing a good education can be.

Amongst other activities towards this end, every month we provide food to one hungry child through the UN World Food Program, and restore sight to 4 people through The Fred Hollows Foundation (

By being a student at Learn Physics you are not only improving your grades, but making a huge difference elsewhere. I could not do any of the above without your support, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for choosing me to be your Physics Tutor!

Kind regards,
Dhananjana (Dan) Weeraratne
Physics Tutor| MIEAust CPEng

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