Dear Parent/Student,

I hope you are well and gearing up for exams and holidays!

I have a few important messages:

Exam Preparation

As we are in the last months, most classes for the rest of the year will be somewhat unstructured. We have covered all the content so far and it is revision time – therefore expect more hard questions and repetition of content that is so important for exam success. These classes will be different from my usual well-planned classes that have a clear direction. You might not realise it, but this is where the magic happens!

Units ¾ Headstart Classes

For students going into year 12, headstart classes will start from Wednesday the 9th of November, and go for about a month. If you would like to take part, please let me know. These classes will be in addition to your regular classes.


I will be away on holiday from the 1st week of December till 2nd week of January 2023. I will let you know when classes will start next year. I hope you all get a good break during the holiday season 😊

Next year’s classes and fees

I have decided to keep the fees for existing students unchanged next year (unless you joined me during a promotion). If you have any friends or family who would like physics tuition, please ask them to contact me before February next year to lock in 2022 prices.
For students in year 11 next year, my recommendation is 1 class a week (max 6 students in a class). For students in year 12 next year, my recommendation is 2 classes a week (max 6 students in a class – most of the time there will be about 4 students in each class). 1 class is for content, and the other is a tutorial class to practice, analyze and master exam-style questions.

Together we are giving over 1 million!

I have committed to giving away over 1 million LKR of Raistl Academy’s income this year (that’s right Sri Lankan Rupees, not $ AUD)! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this possible – you have helped in making real differences for people who aren’t as privileged as we are. While on holiday I plan to personally help the needy (making donations, building pathways, buying food, medicine & books, installing water pumps, etc..) without any political or religion affiliations.

As always, if you have any suggestions and comments on how I can help your child improve, please let me know!

Kind regards,
Lasi/ Dan

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